Elden Ring's lore can be pretty complicated! In fact, it can feel like you're solving a 6 dimensional crossword puzzle just trying to figure out what the final boss was.
If you have a theory about what happened, you can use this tool to quickly find and link to evidence.
This is just a text dump, and there's obviously plenty of non-textural lore in Elden Ring (like environmental storytelling and item locations), but having a citable text dump still seems useful to me.
The lore is broken down into a number of catagories. These categories more-or-less reflect that data as it was extracted from the game. In other words, it's not my fault the "magic" section is empty. It's also not my fault "Arts of War" are called "Gems".
The Dialog section in particular required a lot of cleanup, and I may have assigned some dialog to the wrong NPCs. Dialog is typically assigned to the first name an NPC appears under, so Hyetta's dialog is all attached to Irena of Morne. Cut dialog and directions for voice actors are also part of the text dump, and have not been removed.
There's a few tools here to make sorting the data easier. You can tag individual lore entries as well as save your searches. Searches can be plaintext or regex based. All searches are case insensitive.
All data is persisted to your browser's local storage. If you want to move your saved tags/searches to another computer, use the export and import buttons.
Note that this tool has not been localized. Japanese translations are provided in case you'd like to scrutinize translation choices.
If you have any questions or want to contribute, please see github. I have no standards and will approve basically any non-malicious PR. I might even approve a malicious PR, if it's funny.
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